Chris Sawyer's Locomotion Review

Chris Sawyer's Locomotion
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If you like trains, you'll probably like this game.
If you liked Transport Tycoon, or Railroad Tycoon (and don't value graphics too much) you'll probably like this game.
If you liked Rollercoaster Tycoon (it uses the same game engine), you might like this game depending on how much you like trains. But, the same charm is there (although you may miss the peeps), so you'll probably like this game too.
If you like strategy games in general (but, not for the eye candy - are you sensing a theme here?), you'll probably like this game.
In fact, this game has a very likeable quality to it. And, the price seems right. Bottom line: it's a good game for the price.
So, why the lower scores? It's not a great game.
Of course, I must point out that the game's graphics are quite simple and seem dated. The sound is nice, however. Normally this doesn't bother me in the slightest way. In fact, I still enjoy the game's predecessor Transport Tycoon, which is ten years old. But, the game itself seems to be lacking depth. Don't get me wrong, there are a LOT of things you can do in the game as far as building goes (although since the game is based on the Rollercoaster Tycoon engine, your game world tend to look like giant rollercoasters, especially where the AI is concerned - a little unrealistic). But, all the other neat things that COULD have been there, AREN'T. Basically, the game seems simplified. Of course, this can be a good thing, but I don't think it works well here considering the (supposed) scope of the game (being a global transport mogul), and the intended audience of the game.
So, we have a simplistic game with dated graphics. Herein lies the problem. Most gamers that want an in-depth strategy game can certainly forgive bad graphics as long as the depth and "thinking" is there. And most gamers that want cool new graphics can forgive bad story, depth, etc. So, where does this leave "Locomotion?" At the middle of the road, not really fully satisfying anyone in particular. Like I said above, the game will appeal to certain folks. But, I don't see the long-lasting play value that more in-depth strategy games have. Like I said, it's a good game for the price since you'll probably get addicted and build to your heart's content for a while, but it will likely leave you wanting more depth after you've scratched this surface.

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