Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Since "Serious Sam: The Third Encounter" is mysteriously absent this spring, it's a good thing we have "Will Rock" - since this game is essentially, well, "Serious Sam" with better graphics and a Greek motif. Instead of aliens, the title character guns down all manner of mythological beasties, including minotaurs, firebirds, centaurs, satyrs and more. And, of course, if you're at all familiar with "Serious Sam," you can rest assured that these creatures are going to come at you in droves. Fortunately, you have plenty of ammo and power-ups with which to deal with the onslaught.
The engine behind "Will Rock" is impressive, especially when you consider that it has been designed for a budget title. The Greek locales Will Rock explores are vast and intricately detailed, though you'll rarely have time to take a deep breath and admire the scenery. Enemies are well-animated and believable looking, and it goes without saying that there is no engine slow-down when several enemies are onscreen at once (provided your system meets the needs of the game). Interestingly enough, the game's technology allows for some nifty tricks. For instance, when you shoot a foe with the acid gun they swell to three times their normal size before exploding. Or if you opt for fire arrows, watch as your burning opponents wither away and fall to ash before your very eyes. Will's arsenal of weapons is certainly impressive (if not particularly original).
Of course, if you like your shooters deep (more "Deus Ex" and less "Doom"), you probably won't find much to like about "Will Rock." The game is one huge arena that constantly spews enemies your way, and like any one man army, it's your job to destroy them, guns blazing. Just like uncle Sam, that's as deep as this one gets. And, of course, it must be faulted for its lack of originality. This is Sam through and through - even some of Will's one-liners are shameless variations of Sam's quips (which weren't that great to begin with). Will Rock is kind enough to provide a discernable storyline, though, unlike its predecessor - although, when it's all said and done, the stylish opening is just a lean excuse to get you wading through mythological corpses right off the bat.
When Will Rock is battling his enemies in large, spacious arenas or courtyards, the game is truly at its best. Unfortunately, the designers occasionally opt to take you into narrow corridors and hallways, and the ensuing fights are not well-suited to the engine. Will also has some slippery feet, which makes leaping to and from narrow walkways a needlessly frustrating chore. Fortunately, these kinds of situations are the exception rather than the rule. Also expect some minor graphical glitches (such as levitating shadows).
The bottom line is this: if you've been playing first-person shooters since the early days, and you're nostalgic for those less-than-cerebral firefights of olde, then "Will Rock" is your game. If you're a fan of "Serious Sam," "Will Rock" is your game. If you just like to blow stuff up, "Will Rock" is your game. If your coffers are limited and you want something cheap and exciting, "Will Rock" is your game. Sure it's derivative of an existing title, and one regrets that more creative license was not taken to provide the game with an identity of its own, but "Will Rock" does exactly what it set out to do, and that is provide the same fast, furious, irreverent action that made "Sam" such a hit. At a budget price, it represents bargain excellence.
Final Score: B+
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