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(More customer reviews)This is essentially the crystal box game (Scrabble 2) made compatible with Windows XP. It will not freeze up and works smoothly on my machine. (Some of the people below who have experienced freeze up under Windows XP are probably using Scrabble 2, not this version. They need to double-check.) There are no improvements, however, that I can see, and the claim on the package that it "Includes Merriam-Webster's Official SCRABBLE Player's Dictionary, 3rd Edition" is not quite correct since the program continues to disallow many words that are actually in that dictionary, including the frequently used "da." Use "da" in a play and Maven will dissolve it, spin your letters back into your rack, and take her turn!
Of course this is a disappointment. Also disappointing is the new music, which is as bad as the old music. Fortunately it can be turned off. Maven's annoying chortles after scoring are gone, so I suppose there is some improvement! But basically infogames or Hasbro or whoever is responsible for the software missed an opportunity to make this into an outstanding program.
Still it is a very good program and a lot of fun to play. It automatically saves all your games and under the Mini Games menu allows you to retrieve each one and have Professor Maven critique your play (and her play as well, actually). The four basic comments she makes are, "xxx is probably best," "xxxx is one of the best moves," "xxxx is a good move," and "xxxx was played." She follows the latter three comments with the question "Can you find a play at (e.g.) 8H"? or something similar.
Well, I could find the better play now that you mention it, Maven, if the board displayed the coordinates! (Squares on the 15 x15 Scrabble board are identified by "A" through "O" across the top and 1 through 15 vertically. Thus 8H is the center square while 1A is the square in the upper left corner.) Plays that go across are identified as starting at the square beginning with the number, e.g., 8H while the beginning square of plays going down begin with the letter, e.g., H8.
Anyway, you can click on "Next" and Maven will reveal what is probably a better play. And then she gives an analysis of that play, your play, and other plays comparing the points scored and the value of the letters left in your rack. This "value" is NOT how many points the letter is worth when played, but how valuable it is to have in your rack on an average basis. Thus playing "orang" is not as good as playing "along" as an opening word because, although they both score the same, if you play "along" you keep the "r" which is considered more valuable than the "l."
It would help if the program displayed these average values, but it doesn't. Incidentally, when Maven gives a play in her analysis she gives a complete identity to the play. For example, "LIMITED (5E,20,O)." The characters in the parens stand for where the word started and which direction it went (5E: across), how many points were scored (20), and which letters were left in the rack after the play (an O).
Another nice feature is that Maven gives you a National Association Scrabble rating for your play in the last ten games. Go to Mini Games menu and click on Professor Maven, and there it is. This is not the same as your rating against Maven, which is displayed on what the program calls your "Player Card" as you set up a game along with your best single play, your highest scoring game, and the number of games you have won. Maven will keep these stats for your spouse and kids as well. Of course these stats can be fudged by quitting games you are losing before they are completed, which will keep your rating higher than it would otherwise be.
A couple more points: You have to have the CD inserted in order to the play the game. Bad! Also the game works only as a full-screen game. This is also bad, but you can actually get to some other computer task while keeping the game by hitting the flying Windows key on your keyboard. Scrabble Complete will then be a minimized icon at the bottom of your screen which you can click to resume play.
One more point: you can make Maven go first by passing. Sometimes however she will just exchange some letters and you might have to pass again, which would be VERY dangerous, since after Maven exchanges letters she is increasingly likely to score a BINGO! which is very annoying. Best strategy in my opinion is to play what you can on the first play, being careful to arrange your play so that Maven cannot get a double-word score by adding an "s" (or "r" or "d," etc.) to your play. If you have an "s" you don't use it of course (unless you are going BINGO! yourself or otherwise scoring a monster). Instead you save it and align your opening play so that you can use your "s" to advantage--that is, if Maven doesn't get there first! Your having an "s" cuts down on her chances somewhat.
By the way, Scrabble Complete includes a Boggle CD-ROM game that I haven't had a chance to look at.
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More Ways to Play and More Fun Than Ever!Product InformationIncrease your winning word power with the best SCRABBLE computer game ever!In addition to the traditional SCRABBLE game you can play any one of over adozen mini games for a quick fun dose of SCRABBLE gameplay.Challenge yourself with Anagrams 2- and 3-Letter Word Games Word Placement andthe new SCRABBLE Blitz. SCRABBLE Complete is enough to keep casual players engaged for hours and turnserious players into SCRABBLE masters!Product FeaturesPlay against the clock in SCRABBLE BlitzIncludes Merriam-Webster's Official SCRABBLE Player's Dictionary 3rdEditionCompete alone or with up to four human players over the Internet or LANMultiple skill levels to allow players to progress from beginners toexpertsNew game music and graphicsWindows XP compatibleWindows RequirementsWindows 98/Me/XPPentium II 333 MHz32 MB RAM (64 MB for XP)100 MB Free Hard Disk Space4X Speed or faster CD-ROM Drive8 MB Windows 98/Me/XP-compatible video card*Windows 98/Me/XP-compatible sound card*DirectX version 8.1 (included) or higherMultiplayer: Ethernet card and LAN with TCP/IP protocols for LAN Play Internet access for GameSpy playModem: 28.8K baud or higher (for online play)* Indicates device should be compatible with DirectX version 8.1 or higher.
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