Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This is a great game! For some reason many people do not like this, I don't know why, it is exactly what I expected. In the game you construct robots, then fight them. If you win, you get money (fake money used in the game). If you loose, your bot is usually destroyed. Originally when you first install the game there are no physics at all, meaning, the bots don't flip or bounce. This can be partially fixed (go into the robot arena.cfg file and change the line Forces=off to Forces=on) and it allows the bots to bounce. I do agree that the AI is not so great, but this has already been fixed (in the form of a patch downloadable at the official website) this drastically improves the game by giving it more weapons, bots, and a way to play against other people on the same computer (one person uses half the keyboard, the other person uses the other half, or one uses a controller). Many people say that multiplayer over the internet does not work, but it does, you just need to follow the directions in the help file for multiplayer. Also, I would just like to say that the game is rated E for everyone, not T for teen like this site states (it says E right on my box). Overall I think this is a great game and anyone that likes Battlebots, Robot Wars, or Robotica will like this game.
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In Robot Arena, you'll construct robots from an assortment of predefined components that you can modify. Once the robot has been completed, it's time to get online and pit your robot against a friend's in a series of battles. Contests can involve such things as navigating a maze and obstacle course in the least amount of time, or fighting your opponent's robot. You can also design and export your own robot part from 3D Studio Max.
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