Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)The sim is ok and for a space flight sim.You will not find one much better that will run on windows 7.The game play is slow and takes alot of time to complet a mission but it is a sim and not a game.You can not find anything better,I have tried and looked everywhere I can think of online.I like the sim alot but it would be cooler with updated graphics they seem kind of old and dated.But this is about the best you will find in this type of sim at this time and it has alot to offer if you take the time to set it up right.It dose run very good on the pc I have it on and I have not had one issue running it at all.I think this sim would run on most pc's running windows 7 with a good video card.I run it on one of my gaming pc's with a amd phenom II X6 1100t black edition cpu @ 3.3 and 16 gigs of DDR3 1600 hyperx ram.I have used a evga gts 450 1gb video and a evga gtx460 2gb card to run this sim with very good performance.I have went to a ga-990xa-ud3 motherboard and the evga gtx560ti 2 gb video card and it runs perfect on this setup also.I have also run this on the amd phenom II X4 955 AND 975 black edition cpu's with very good performance.You can run it with a pc that has less performance than the parts I have put into my gaming pc's I think.It only takes around 26% of my pc's performance to run this sim.I still have xp on one of my gaming pc's to run some of the older combat flight sims that do not run well on windows 7 but I have never run this sim on my pc with xp.I have a HP p6232p factory pc that I only updated the ram with ddr2 1066 hyperx 8 gigs, put in a 550wt XFX power supply and added a evga gts450 1gb video card and I am sure it would run fine on it.I run flight sim x on this pc and it run's fine but not with all the settings maxed out like I can do with one of the gaming pc's I put together just to run my games.I have 2 evga gtx460 2gb video cards but I have not run this sim on a pc with the video cards running sli so I do not know how well it would run on a system running sli.Some games run better on a system with 2 cards running sli and some have issues that do not have support for sli yet.I find most new games do run well useing 2 cards running sli.So good luck if you try this one with a pc running 2 video cards useing sli.The box it comes in dose not say you need to have a over the top performance pc to run this sim at all.I have just found out the hard way over time that you can never have to much ram,to much cpu performance or to much cooling performance in your system ever.You many not need all this performance all the time but it is very good to have when you do need it.Overall I have found this to be an ok sim as it is now but could have been very cool with a little more work.I have not been to the website for this game and do not know if it has one but some games do update all the time and this could be one of them.I like the sim and if you like flight sims you will like this one as well.It is not perfect like rise of flight iorn cross but it is cool.
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