Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I bought this for my son who loves spongebob, and although it does help get the basics of typing, to a kid it is just another video game. That is what I was hoping it would be like, because we all know that if it isn't fun, the kids (and sometimes us adults) won't play for long. It has many games from travelling a maze and racing snails to creating music and dressing patrick in odd ourfits. It also has a lesson area that introduces the keys in an incremental way and tests you for speed and competency before you move on to the harder lessons. A very good buy.
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Learn to type the SpongeBob way!Product InformationDive right into the step-by-step typing tutorial that's awash with waterloggedhilarity and all your favorite SpongeBob SquarePants friends! Now kids ofall ages can learn to type with SpongeBob! Get ready to masterkeyboarding! Navigate through Bikini Bottom and help SpongeBob and hisfriends compete in the Bikini Bottom Typing Tournament and improve your typingskills along the way.The Practice Area is set in Jellyfish Fields where you can play Practiceexercises to improve your typing skills. Here you will be able to choose shortpassages about Bikini Bottom and its residents as well as other interesting seafacts. enter the Lesson Area and compete in the Bikini Bottom TypingTournament. You will compete with SpongeBob against various Bikini Bottomcharacters. Type your way to the Finals where you will compete to be the BikiniBottom Typing Tournament Champion! Games are set up all over Glove World. Thesegames provide a fun way to practice your typing skills. SpongeBob SquarePants Typing features five exciting games with different themesto build your typing speed accuracy and rhythm. Your typing progress is nottracked in the Games Menu. The more advanced your typing skills the more funand challenging the games will be.Product FeaturesArcade-style learning activitiesGame mode or practice mode3 levels of challengeTracks typing speed and accuracySkills LearnedLessons are separated into three different levels: Beginner Intermediate andAdvanced. The Beginner level typing speed is 5 WPM (words per minute) theIntermediate level is 11 WPM and the Advanced level is 15 WPM. EachLesson consists of a tutorial a drill keystroke practice an activity and aquiz to determine your progress. Lesson content starts with the basics andbuilds on accumulated knowledge. Games played as part of a lesson will onlycontain content learned up to that point. There are five rounds to playand three Fin
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