Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Pros:
1) As with many other games these days, you can customize your character, and even give him a mullet and a pornstache (as I did, of course).
2) Not as prone to locking up (on my PC, anyway) as the 2003 version.
3) The clues are better (and somewhat more difficult) than in the 2003 edition.
4) Customizable difficulty level (though only so-so impact on the game).
Where do I start?
1) No one reads the answers. They just pop up on the screen and you read them yourself. This is annoying because in the TV version you can't buzz in until the clue has been completely read.
2) Multiple choice. A HUGE booboo. What the heck is that about??? Since when is "America's favorite answer and question show" multiple choice? And not only does it sorta ruin the experience, but at times it's complete nonsense. The first game I played had a category called "Arthurian Legends," where all the answers were someone named Arthur. Then in one clue in the category only one of the choices was named Arthur - duh.
All in all, it's still a decent game. I don't regret the purchase. I'm too big a trivia buff not to like it. It's just that it isn't really Jeopardy.
If the publisher felt that more people would prefer a multiple choice version then they could've at least made it optional, not mandatory. As it is, it seems that a multiple choice version would actually be harder to write, since you have to come up with all sorts of answers besides just the correct one(s). And if they're not gunna have a guy reading the clue then at least have a clock so you can't buzz in before the clue is read.
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