Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)I purchased this jumpstart 6th grade cd the summer before school started. Came in the mail and installed it in the laptop . My daughter seemed to have an immediate interest in the subject matter- we began going over science subjects.. I rememeber her finding interest in the geology questions like type of rocks.
Many of the questions had me guessing - guess a loss of memory is to blame.. and some of the questions seemed to be above a 6th grader's mindset - like names of chemical bonds.
The software's interface was about a 3 out of 5 stars. The reason for this is because the user has to manuever an object over a location on the screen and drop - cant remember what it was- something... The program then starts a new set of question and answer table, but only only 1 at a time - so one has to do this manuevering everytime for a new question to appear. I'm not sure if the entire cd is like this or if it was just in the science section.
A complaint i had to my daugther about the software was when a correct answer was chosen the original question text would immiedialtly disapear - not allowing one to reread the question and correct answer. The software needs a simple time delay of some sort to allow the user to re-read the original question/correct answer combo.
We had fun using the software and we seemed to learn much during or short time using it.
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