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(More customer reviews)As a US student in global political affairs in Washington, DC, I have spent many hours debating what it means to be considered a "superpower," who rivals the US for the title, and who is essentially the next "superpower." Rockwell Schnabel and Francis X. Rocca's well-researched book sheds light on the existing power dynamics of modern Europe and the EU in global society and what implications this 25 member state holds for our future. With its ever-impressive economic strengths coupled with its cultural and institutional influences, they believe the European Union should be viewed as a force to be reckoned with, but more importantly as a strong ally. Rockwell Schnabel draws from his experiences as a native European citizen and former ambassador to the EU to highlight crucial choices the EU must make if it is to become geopolitically stronger and, in fact, be the next superpower. Long- term decisions regarding a free market economy and Europe's stance towards the US will not only have direct impacts on American businesses, but also on global security. Considering the rising power of nations like China and India, transatlantic cooperation provides an opportunity to unite to achieve our common goals. By pooling vast resources together, the US and EU can have real effects on world hunger, poverty, and disease.
The Next Superpower? unites theoretical concepts with observations to provide insightful, yet critical analysis of global affairs from a US/EU perspective. It is a must read for every student of politics, economics, or business who cares about the future of the US, Europe, and the world.
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Americans have been recently lectured that 'Americans are from Mars and Europeans are from Venus.' But this slogan fails to account for the economic might of the European Union, which has elevated the EU_and its member countries_to near superpower status. What are the implications of this development for the United States? Ambassador Rockwell A. Schnabel and Francis X. Rocca take up this critical and complex question in a detailed, firsthand analysis of the EU institutions, their leadership, and the member countries. Although Europe today cannot challenge America in military terms, the 25-nation economic giant can influence world events to the benefit or detriment of the United States. This book will answer the timely and crucial question of how the 'rise of Europe will affect U.S. prosperity and security for decades to come.'Ambassador Schnabel dispenses with diplomatic niceties. He is critical of both U.S. and European policies. Schnabel and Rocca give readers a compelling and provocative inside look at the people and issues that will decide whether the world's most consequential partnership flourishes or flounders. While alerting readers to the economic and geopolitical challenges posed by a stronger EU, the authors reject the complacency of those who see American 'unipolarity' as a license to neglect our allies, or those who entertain the illusion that we can 'divide and conquer' Europe. This book will make clear why the U.S. must work with the EU_or expect the EU to work against it.
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